The Catalan Opening is used by many strong players to safely and solidly play for a slight but long-term pressure or edge.Ħ. I hope that you will learn from my comments as much as you enjoy seeing the tactical skirmish in the end.ġ.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.c4 e6 4.g3 Be7 5.Bg2 O-O 6.O-O I chose this game for its decision-making lessons and tactically entertaining moments. Needless to say, I didn't have time to prepare and fully rest for this game so decided to rely on my intuition and steer the game in which he has to calculate more accurately. I came from an exhausting 2nd round in which I successfully squeezed a win from a minor-piece ending for roughly 4.5 hours. The game I'm about to show occurred in the 3rd round of the event.

I even set up on a real board and re-solved positions that I missed in the games that I played because I believe that getting new ideas matters more than always getting things right. Part of my preparation consisted of tuning up my calculation skills and combinational vision at Chessity. Last week, I prepared for an open tournament over this past weekend: 2014 Lone Star Open FIDE event. Wb = openpyxl.Miramonte, Roberto - Sadorra, Julio Catalino WhiteLong.append(test_str) //The max length of a nickname in is 35 charactersĭef generateExcel(dates,welo,belo,white,black): You need to install chess and openpyxl libraries with pip. I have created a file called chess_games.xlsx and I have inserted the five values you are asking using a python2 script. i imagine the output will be messier for mixed chess960 and chess. Consider for example this player: Replacing 'gmwso' with the player's username will yield a weird output. It appears there's a problem when it gets to the case of chess960 only. Update 1: It appears Mike Steelson has an answer here, where the code is given as =arrayformula( regexextract(split( substitute(substitute(substitute(getDataJSON(A1 "/games" "/pgn") "" "") """" "") char(10)) "\s.*") ) How do I get this data into a spreadsheet like column 1 is all the dates, column 2 is the corresponding white elo, column 3 black elo, col4 white username and col5 black username? There's gonna be a bunch of stuff like say

Sequel to this question: Live statistics chess960 from ?